Pharmazon Global

UK’s Leading Pharmaceutical Wholesaler and Exporter Pharmazon Global is a leading UK pharmaceutical wholesaler, distributor, and exporter. With ever-rising demand from the Middle East and African regions.pharmaceutical wholesaler & global exporter of high-quality pharmaceuticals & healthcare products , operating from the United Kingdom. We specialise in global supply to wholesalers, pharmacy groups, hospitals, private hospitals, specialist clinics, importers, distributors and many other authorised and licensed healthcare providers.




Our Mission & Vision



Develop longstanding business partnerships with pharmaceutical manufacture; suppliers to enable access to medicines in emerging and growth markets via our trusted and increasing network of local partners.


To increase global access to high quality, life-saving and life-enhancing medicines by providing excellent service in line with industry best practices.


Transparency & Honesty, Positivity & Passion, Dedication Reliability, Standards; Knowledge, Growth & Partnership

Regulatory Compliance:

Pharmazon Global holds a Wholesale Dealers Authorisation (WDA) which is issued and regulated by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA).Our business is operated with the use of internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) which have been developed to ensure that Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is embedded within them and allows us to comply with our regulatory and legal obligations.

We use carefully selected third party logistic partners when transporting goods to different parts of the world. Our third party logistics partners have extensive knowledge and experience within the pharmaceutical sector to ensure goods are properly distributed whilst maintaining strict GDP compliance.

As well as our own internal Quality Management Systems (QMS) we also use external auditors to help stress test our business operations and to ensure regulatory compliance is maintained.

Drug Recalls & Pharmacovigilance

We have developed robust internal management systems when responding to Drug Recalls which are regularly tested to ensure we have full traceability of products and batches which may be effected.Domestically we use the Yellow Card Scheme when responding to adverse drug reactions which is also backed up by international pharmacovigilance systems within the countries we supply.

Falsified Medicines Directive

The Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) 2011/62/EU, published on the 9 February 2016, will come in to force by February 2019. The new regulation will require manufacturers to place safety features on all medicines and contribute financially to the establishment of an IT verification system that will allow the assessment of the authenticity of a medicine at the time of supply to the patient

Corporate Responsibility & Governance

Pharmazon Global is committed to good corporate responsibility and the highest ethical standards. To fulfil these requirements, we establish and maintain systems and policies to ensure that unethical practices do not form part of the supply chain:

Code of Business Ethics
• Anti-corruption & bribery Policy
• Modern Slavery Act Statement
• Equality & Diversity Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• As well as our internal code of conduct we are also listed as a non-member
company to voluntarily aim to abide by the ABPI code of conduct.